It turns out that Tim spends most of his time still out on the water, playing at a remote waterfront camp that he built on an island at the western fringe of Desolation Sound in northern British Columbia. Tim and his wife Esther purchased a remote piece of waterfront property on Maurelle Island over 20 years ago. (Note: When you have finished reading an article, just click on the "X" in the tab at the top center of the screen and you will be returned to our DNP web site).
Nancy's Harbor Hotel
Kaohsiung, Taiwan, in the nineteen seventies at Nancy's Harbor Hotel, a landmark for many servicemen heading to and from Vietnam. ...Read More...
Mr.P's Spring Voyage
Mr.P has a childish innocence of the very young and he will carry it with him until his last breath. It is always a pleasure to take a boat ride with him, and this is about our most recent trip together. ...Read More...
The Suppression of Images
Everything has changed...nothing is the same. A short article dwelling on loss. Religion and belief, the bulwarks of society, are everywhere in retreat. Gurus from the subcontinent brought their message to the West, confounding all but a few with their message that peace lies within oneself...too difficult to master and only for one…well, it’s not for everyone. ...Read More...
Maurelle Blues
This year’s camp-out was not quite its usual self but the differences were of form rather than substance. The last 30 minutes of my nearly-three-weeks sojourn illustrates this, at least I think it does. As a result of poor planning, the clothes for the journey home were clean and folded-up on the settee of “LEIVTY” 500 metres away. No worries, mate, I thought, we’ll leave the camp clothes here, lock up and make our way in deshabille above the high tide mark...BAD THINKING! ...Read More...
A BC Coastal Saga - Maurelle in November
We departed Vancouver in a watery sun, but calm and cool. Then, the New Moon, high tides and an Alaskan low combined to pummel the coast with Sou’Easterly gales bringing winds over 45 knots, driving rain along with wet snow showers, all of which kept us in port for 24 days. This is the log of that time, populated by wales, wolves and the solitude and serenity of island life. ...Read More...
Cruising in the Broughton Archipelago
Say "British Columbia" and Vancouver and Victoria are all the names that spring to mind. In fact, they are both latecomers to the exploration and develop of the coast. This began in the mid-to-late eighteenth century with the trade in sea otter pelts from the Nootka and Queen Charlotte Sounds to China. ...Read More...
Sea Tales: "VIRAGO" - A West Coast Saga
After years of rowing and sailing to reach his island waterfront retreat, Tim finally purchased a launch...a very handsome 2010 conversion lying in Cortes Bay. What follows is the saga of that purchase and maiden voyage of “VIRAGO”. VIRAGO is now our DNP Marine Surveyors vessel. ...Read More...
Camp Diary
This is all about a winter trip to the island campsite...not usually the best time to be out at sea. This time of year lends a different perspective to the land when compared with the warm summer months. ...Read More...
Island Tales...Spring to Solstic
Spring renewal, eagles and crabs, the habits of single male bears, and all the news fit to print. More tales from Desolation Sound and aboard VIRAGO in the Discovery Islands from Spring to Solstice. ...Read More...
Oar & Sail to Maurelle Camp
Getting from the mainland over to the island camp can be a chore sometimes, if the only way to travel is by rowing or sailing. Another visit to Tim's camp. ...Read More...
Another Oar & Sail to the Camp
This time Tim Ellis, our hardy DNP principal surveyor, is off again sailing "BoB", a small 1976 DRASCOMBE Scuffie sailing vessel from Granville Island north to his wilderness waterfront camp located on Maurelle Island...a trip as the crow flies of 208 Km. What a wonderful experience!. ...Read More...